Fiber Nodes
A brighter approach to enhanced signal quality. These Fiber Optic mini nodes deliver an array of options to meet the specifications you require in a small compact housing.
Product Features
HIDE [ - ]All Extreme Broadband Engineering Fiber Nodes include these important features:
Powder Coated Housing
RFoG Blue and RF-PON Green are easily distinguishable. Powder Coat resists dirt and corrosion.
Single/Dual Fiber
Whether single or dual fiber applications are required, an advanced optical node is available to meet your system needs.
Wide Optical Input
-8 to +2 dBm. Extreme delivers the largest optical input range in its class. Installations & system management are that much easier.
XPON Overlay
Optional WDM wavelength overlays allow architecture flexibility to meet your system requirements.
Automatic Gain Control ensures a guaranteed output level for system reliability.
Laser Choices
FP, DFB, or CWDM Laser choices are available to ensure you get the exact product you need for your system.